H.H. Howell, Inc.
Oil & Gas Exploration
North Frost Center
1250 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 325
San Antonio, Texas 78209

H.H. Howell, Inc.

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H. H. Howell, Inc., an oil & gas exploration company prepared for the 21st Century. 
We have carved out a unique niche to provide opportunities for the inexpensive discovery of new Domestic oil & gas reserves.
H. H. Howell, Inc.,  is established behind 3 generations of wildcat explorationists, with proven experience and successful discoveries spanning South Texas to Wyoming.

Our legacy, including hands-on management of drilling operations, with wellsite evaluation, and geologic fieldwork, plus an array of computer technology exclusively provides us with the necessary tools for the task.

Where we look: H. H. Howell, Inc. is committed to finding large reserves without wasteful overhead and costly exploration budgets.

To do this we concentrate our activity identifying shallow regional trends, where individual fields have small “footprints”, but produce economically significant hydrocarbons.

Typically, these plays also reveal high percentages of stratigraphic traps, as opposed to structural traps, hence they have remained elusive and under-explored.

Been there, proven that: Since the 1980s, the H. H. Howell team has investigated numerous remote-sensing and unconventional hydrocarbon detection technologies. 

Our discovery of the +1,200,000-barrel Dare I (Hope) oil field, offers a textbook example and template for our methodology.

How we do it:

·Utilizing our expertise in well-log interpretation and analysis, we construct comprehensive cross-section networks which provide the framework for detailed subsurface geologic map suites.

·We review or construct our own field studies, with thorough stratigraphy and petrophysics, to create analog models for our prospective reservoirs.

·We have developed innovative ways to use direct hydrocarbon indicators such as soil-gas geochemistry with indirect indicators like LANDSAT, Magnetic and Gravity surveys and surface geomorphology. 

·These surveys are much less expensive than conventional geophysical (seismic) investigation.  They are backed by research, and are effective in areas where the target is relatively shallow - even in areas where a seismic survey might not be possible or practical.

·When these tools are used in combination, they can yield exciting, inexpensive prospects, and at the same time, lower the exploration risk.



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